One place understood helps us understand all places better.

Eudora Welty

Southern Smile

Image: Author

Here will be found most poems that have their genesis in my southern upbringing. I have no experience with other regions of the United States, but it is my impression that the southern culture is as peculiar, or more so, than any other region. Or I should say, it was, because that peculiarity has almost been homogenized away.

Never, not at home

There was a place,
now in the past,
where I was never,
not at home.

Where I was safe
in places
I'd never known.

Where strangers
could show concern
with a friendly
“Honey, can I help you?”

Or maybe
a simple smile,
deeply warm.

It's hard to explain
such sunny times
in the dark present

When I watch
for unknown movement
and listen
for unknown sounds

And unknown steps
that may be bringing
a darker future
into my life

In this place
where I am ever,
not at home.
