One place understood helps us understand all places better.

Eudora Welty

Sunday, April 29, 2018

i am ten

i am ten
i watch tv
it scares me

i see war
my brother 
fought war

i saw a dead boy
my age

they said he is migrant
is that what killed him?

i don't want
to be migrant

my brother doesn't
want to be dead

i hear them talk
more than listen

they say mean things
about each other

do they say mean things
about me?

my dad tells me
not to watch

but I want to know
what they say

i am ten
growing old
i believe
what i see

i even
see in
my dreams
what they
want me to see

i even
see in
my future
what they want
me to be

but then
i don't see me.